Location: Portland, Maine • Date: 9/11/10 • Standard Print (w & h): Image: 22.0" x 13.4"; Paper: 24” x 16"

This image of Middle Street in Portland is composed of 3 individual shots taken at 560mm. I took these shots on an sunny late summer Saturday afternoon. I was walking along Middle Street, and when I crossed Exchange, I looked over to my left, and noticed the double reflections in the Starbucks window on the South side of Exchange. I set up my tripod, took the two shots that make up the left side of the image, and then focused on the shot that makes up the right side. I probably took forty, while I got the timing down and waited for the right passersby. Quite a few people came up to me and asked what I was doing with this foot long lens pointed toward Starbucks, but once I showed them the reflection, they stood beside me, just as fascinated by the passing scene.